The Ancient Law Cine-concert, with Alicia Svigals and Donald Sosin

Cinema Arts Centre, 423 Park Avenue , Huntington NY 11743

E.A. Dupont’s once-lost, now-restored 1923 German masterpiece tells the inspired-by-fact story of a rabbi’s son (Ernst Deutsch) who shuns the shtetl to become an actor, and finds temptation from an archduchess (Henny Porten). The cast is filled with Berlin’s finest stage and screen actors; the exquisite design is by a group of gifted, visionary artists. The film is accompanied by a live, original score composed and performed by the world-famous klezmer violinist Alicia Svigals (co-founder of the Grammy-winning Klezmatics) and pianist Donald Sosin, a silent film music legend. A sensational evening of history, music and spectacle. (Germany, 1923, 135m). “A lost gem .. The cinematography is spectacular, emulating the light and shadow of a Rembrandt etching.” –Film Society at Lincoln Center